Sal Falk

Sal Falk


MODL Flirts with Short Term Rental Tax

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) is gearing up to introduce a marketing levy this spring, aiming to generate revenue dedicated to promoting shoulder season tourism.

Volume 2, Issue 1 is here!

In the last twelve months, The Barnacle has published over 230 stories online and in print with the help of over 40 volunteer illustrators, writers and editors. As much as we know the numbers don’t matter for us to feel accomplished with our little operation, it is wild to put the whole year into perspective.

Volume 1, Issue 10 has arrived!

We’ve rounded up a comprehensive list of holiday happenings in Lunenburg County for you to pin up on your fridge. When you put them all together, you realize how lucky we are to have enough creators, artists and makers in our area to fill markets every weekend from now until the wrapping season wraps up.

Howdy, Neighbour! Meet Izzie Collier

There’s two notable ways you might have encountered Izzie Collier, a new-ish resident in Lunenburg County, this past year – biking around the area with her mini schnauzer Scout strapped into a milk crate, or promoting her impressive custom architectural embroidery skills.

Local farmers pushing through despite weather, uncertain future

Sisters Rebecca and Jessie McInnis run Spring Tide Farm, a small-scale, certified organic vegetable and cut flower operation in Lapland, Nova Scotia. This is their third season growing in Lunenburg County and they have noticed the weather becoming more extreme in both precipitation and temperature year after year.

Howdy, Neighbour! Meet Michael Kim

Since most locals won’t get to know Michael by staying at his inn, you might recognise him as the photographer who’s often getting photos of Bluenose II and other boats in the Lunenburg Harbour. Michael says he tries to get 10,000 steps in every day and photographing the town is a great way to meet his goal.

Lunenburg Barnacle Vol. 1, No. 3 is here

We’re only at Vol 1. No. 3 and are still figuring out the direction of our work, but from now on, all activities associated with the creation and distribution of this publication are under The Lunenburg Barnacle Publishing Cooperative Limited.