We hosted our 2nd-ever AGM on a boat!
Last Saturday nearly 2 dozen people clambered onto the Theresa E. Connor on the Lunenburg waterfront for our Annual General Meeting. The Barnacle directors put on our captain caps and shared all the info on our first full year in operation.

(A photo of three of The Barnacle’s directors aboard the Theresa E. Connor. L-R: Editor-at-large Sal Falk, Editor-in-chief Jesse Ward, Editor-at-large Issie Patterson. Photo: Creative Director Carmen Cumming.)
Between drinks and lovely appetizers from The Old Fish Factory, we got to discussing all our favourite parts of the newspaper. It was a great opportunity to hear feedback directly from our contributors and readers.
The comment we heard the most at our event was “you’re doing important work.” It’s comments like those that keep us going. As an entirely volunteer-run organization, we do this because we know it’s important. Thank you to those who came out last Saturday and shared in our first year of success!
If you didn’t make it out and are still curious about how we’re doing, you can read our AGM package here.
The best way you can show your appreciation for The Barnacle is by sharing. Tell your friends to sign up for our newsletter, circulate our Instagram posts and pass the paper around to your neighbours. And of course, you too can tell us how much you love us by sending us an email!
PS: We’re going on hiatus for July because most of our team is traveling. We will be back and rejuvenated for an August issue. Don’t miss us too much!
We love our volunteers and are so thankful that the little newspaper that could is supported by such a wide community.
If you believe in what we’re doing, the easiest way to support us is through a monthly donation. Even $3/month makes a huge difference in delivery quality, reliable news.
– Sal Falk, Editor-at-large
Stories for Vol. 2, Issue 6
- Bridgewater’s Derelict Vessels To Make Way For Mixed-Use Development by Sal Falk
- String of Vandalism Linked To Extremist Group by Sal Falk
- Lunenburg Bandstand Deemed Unsafe To Use by Issie Patterson
- Parents Advocate For Midwifery On The South Shore by Tiffany Pope
- Municipality of Chester Polling District Boundaries To Remain Consistent in 2024 Election by Jesse Ward
- MODL’s Polling Boundaries Will Change in October, See Our Interactive Comparison by Jesse Ward
- Town Of Lunenburg Declines Questions About New Senior Policy Role, Says Hiring Practices And Salary Bands Are Confidential by Jesse Ward
- We Are All Enough, I Promise by Lyla Belliveau Wood
- CAT’S IN THE LADLE: Famous Town Pie Shop by Cat Bluemke
- We Need to Break Up Monopolies to Bring Down Food Prices by Críostaí Ó Ceallaigh-Bisson
- Fishermen’s Hospital Is Jumping With Music by Sal Falk
- Lunenburg Skatepark Ramps Up To New Heights by Sal Falk
- CRUNCHY MOM: Five Ways to Make This Your Slow Summer by Kelly Linehan
- Good Dog Books To Open In Bridgewater by Issie Patterson
- Local Gamer Brings Minecraft World Record Back To Lunenburg by Bryn Pottie
- BON VIVANT, BAD VIVANT: Born, But Unprepared, To Muffin Run by Jesse Ward
- ADVICEBURG: Needing To Save Money In Lunenburg County by Anne Macleod Weeks
- Catfish Are Happening by Charles Weiss
- Universal Play Park in Liverpool, Nova Scotia: A Beacon of Inclusion and Accessibility by Audra Williams
- CROSSWORD: Folking Around by Clare Heggie
Pick up a copy at your favourite local business
Volume 2, Issue 6 has been delivered to our distribution sites. Stop by the Lunenburg Farmers Market, Lunenburg Bound, Block Shop Books, Petite Riviere General Store, Fancy Pants Cafe, Famous Town Pie Shop, Lunenburg Library, Hungry Traveler Cafe and more to get your hands on a physical copy. And of course don’t forget our new Barnacle Boxes on King St. in Lunenburg and Bridgewater.
Check out this month’s print issue, online
For those who can’t enjoy the print experience, read this complimentary PDF from anywhere in the world.