Lunenburg Bandstand Deemed Unsafe To Use

This story has been updated since its print publication.

The iconic bandstand in Lunenburg is closed until further notice. 

Though this comes as a disappointment to many, it is a particularly big obstacle for the Lunenburg Folk Harbour Society, who uses the bandstand for concerts. 

The Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival takes place every August in Lunenburg (though the Society also runs concerts outside of its festival dates) and is a huge draw for visitors. 

Louis Robitaille, President and Program Chair of the Lunenburg Folk Harbour Society, says the bandstand is a huge part of their programming. 

The Society has planned for around 35 concerts to take place in the bandstand this summer. 

“At this point, the Board has not turned its mind to what the solution will be,” he says. 

Tom McFall, Vice-President of the Society, says losing the bandstand will be “quite a blow to Folk Harbour programming.”

The Society received word of an impending engineering inspection a few weeks ago. 

Michael Best, Communication Officer for the Town of Lunenburg says, “Engineers found that the structural steel underneath the floor had degraded and recommended temporarily closing the bandstand. Assessment is ongoing. We do not know when the Bandstand might reopen.” 

In this uncertainty, there will be no concerts in the bandstand this summer. The Society will be hosting their outdoor concert series on the outdoor stage next to the Fisheries Museum. 


  1. This is such sad news. I am happy the problem was found, though, so no one was inadvertently hurt. Though concerts on the waterfront is a great second choice, this will directly impact some seniors who have mobility issues, as parking at the waterfront in the summer in non-existent. I wish a temporary stage had been considered in the flat area in the park. This would have allowed better access for all.

  2. This is a travesty .
    If the “powers that be” of the many , many , many members of town staff would get their heads out of the clouds and deal with important issues like this instead of dreaming about how killing the golden goose (UNESCO) will fill the coffers during their short terms , this beautiful little town might just get taken care of .

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