Here’s What We Know About the Provincial Election Candidates in Lunenburg and Lunenburg-West

If you’re just interested in information and links about local candidates, use the menu below to skip ahead. The New Germany Legion is hosting an event with candidates from both ridings on Nov 20 at 7pm.

2021 Provincial Election Results

Lunenburg Candidates

Lunenburg-West Candidates

As new municipal councillors are settling into their seats across Nova Scotia, residents are getting ready to elect another set of officials to government, this time to the provincial legislature.

At the end of October, Tim Houston visited the lieutenant-governor to ask for a snap-election. The provincial election was originally scheduled for next summer.

In October 2021, Houston introduced a bill to amend the Elections Act, requiring the province to hold elections every four years. Nova Scotia was the last province to adopt a fixed election date. 

At the time of passing the legislation, Houston spoke to the importance of fixed election dates.

“Nova Scotians want to have confidence in their electoral system,” he said. “Parties in opposition want a level playing field, and Elections Nova Scotia, Mr. Speaker, they want to be able to prepare as effectively and efficiently as they possibly can for general elections.”

The snap election comes seven months before the original set election date of July 15, 2025.

If you’re confused about the difference between this election and the municipal elections we just had, we’re going to try and break it down for Lunenburg County residents.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024 is the Nova Scotia General Election. 

In a provincial general election, you have the opportunity to vote for the registered party or person you want to represent you in the House of Assembly. All elected persons are known as Members of the Legislative Assembly, or MLAs. 

Nova Scotia is divided into 55 electoral districts, also called ridings. In each of the electoral districts, there is a corresponding seat in our Legislative Assembly (also called our House of Assembly).

Candidates in any given riding can be affiliated with a provincial political party or as an independent candidate. 

In Nova Scotia, there are five registered provincial political parties: the Green Party of Nova Scotia, the Nova Scotia Liberal Party, the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party, Nova Scotians United, and the Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia.

In each riding, the candidate with the most votes gets a seat in the Legislative Assembly. This is called first-past-the-post voting. 

The leader of the party with the most seats becomes the premier of the province.

For more information on our electoral system, read Opposition Parties Call for Electoral Reform in Nova Scotia to Improve Voter Turnout.

2021 Provincial Election in Lunenburg and Lunenburg-West

In the 2021 election, both ridings in Lunenburg County elected a Conservative MLA, ousting a Liberal MLA.

Lunenburg had a 58.14 per cent voter turnout. Susan Corkum-Greek was elected with 42.01 per cent of the vote.

Lunenburg-West had a 55.65 per cent voter turnout. Becky Druhan was elected with 44.42 per cent of the vote.

In both ridings, the Liberal candidate was the runner-up.

2024 Provincial Election in Lunenburg

Candidates As of November 08, 2024

Corkum-Greek, Susan (incumbent)PC
Duggan, MelissaLiberal
Fawson, FrankGreen Party
Jennery, NickNSNDP

Incumbent candidate Susan Corkum-Greek was elected for the first time in the 2021 provincial election. Corkum-Greek was a member of Houston’s cabinet as Minister of Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Invest Nova Scotia Act. She has a Facebook page.

Liberal candidate Melissa Duggan just completed a four-year term as councillor for the Town of Lunenburg. She has a Facebook page.

Frank Fawson is the Green Party candidate. He has a Facebook group.

NDP candidate Nick Jennery was the Executive Director of Feed Nova Scotia for 10 years. He has a public Facebook profile.

This electoral district is mostly the east side of the LaHave River, including the towns of Lunenburg and Mahone Bay. If you are unsure if you’re in Lunenburg or Lunenburg-West, use the Elections Nova Scotia website to find out.

2024 Provincial Election in Lunenburg-West

Candidates As of November 08, 2024

Crouse, JonathanLiberal
Druhan, Becky (incumbent)PC
Piovesan, NicholasNSNDP
Thomas-Langford, MitchellGreen Party

Incumbent candidate Becky Druhan was elected for the first time in the 2021 provincial election. Druhan was a member of Houston’s cabinet as Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development. She has a Facebook page.

Liberal candidate Jonathan Crouse is the host of “The Wake Up Call with Jonathan” on Country 100.7. He has a Facebook page.

NDP candidate Nicholas Piovesan is an ECMA nominated songwriter and producer. 

The Green Party candidate is Mitchell Thomas-Langford.

This electoral district is mostly the west side of the LaHave River, including Bridgewater, LaHave and Hebbville. If you are unsure if you’re in Lunenburg or Lunenburg-West, use the Elections Nova Scotia website to find out.

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