Howdy, Neighbour! Meet Kush Pathak

(Photo contributed)

Kush Pathak, his wife, Shruti, and their six-year-old son, Neil, moved to Lunenburg in May because, as Kush says, he was getting bored of his stereotypical life in India.

After giving notice at his job, they picked up their life and started a new chapter as far away from the deserts of Rajasthan as you can imagine –Tannery Road.

“Coming to a place that is actually surrounded by water is a dream come true for me,” says Kush.

Kush was working as an associate professor at a dentistry school in India and was set to become head of the department. If you haven’t met Kush, you might think the massive change that he and his family have undertaken is wild. But Kush’s curiosity and enthusiasm for the world are evident from the moment you meet him. The adventure of moving to the Atlantic coast of Canada was enough of a draw for him to take a chance, despite never having visited.

Kush is jumping two feet first into life in our community. Already having worked at Harbour View Haven, Burger King and now The Knot Pub, he’s gotten to know and become friends with many folks in just a few short months. 

When asked about adjusting to a new life in an unfamiliar setting Kush remarks, “I was so astounded by the kindness I received.” Friends and coworkers have been crucial in getting the Pathaks settled in their new home.

It hasn’t taken Kush long to want to give back after being on the receiving end of the generosity of Lunenburgers. He put his name forward and was appointed to the town’s Planning Advisory Committee last month. He thinks that as an immigrant and someone with varied life experiences, he could bring a fresh perspective to the committee.

Kush sees this as an opportunity to influence and help the future of Lunenburg.

“You might not change a system but you can mould it in such a way, you can start in a grassroots way. Maybe it will bring up happier, positive change in lives. I know it’s a big statement, as an outspoken person, I speak a lot.”

We are so excited Kush, Shruti, and Neil have made Lunenburg home and to see what their enthusiasm and knowledge will bring to our town.

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