TIME MACHINE: Natal Day in Lunenburg

Each month, we turn our eyes to publications from Lunenburg County past to bring you excerpts from days gone by.

Selected from LCT, June 10, 1885:

“Lunenburg has celebrated her natal day this year with more than ordinary eclat. Monday morning was ushered in with the booming of cannon and the music of brass bands, and from dawn till dark the (alas, too cheap!) firecracker endeavored, not altogether in vain, to fill the air with noise and smoke and the smell of powder. Procession and oratory, molasses cakes and cricket, bunting and foot-races, beer and music, and always and everywhere firecrackers, made up a programme that filled the small boy with delight, and awoke in maturer breasts recollections of old times and the lurking desire to indulge in youthful sports and competition.”

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