The Town of Lunenburg will seek a new Chief Administrative Officer following…

Lunenburgers are expected to pay a higher sewer rate to service new…

A quarterly RCMP report to Lunenburg Town Council was marked confidential in…

Elizabeth’s Books, in the heart of the Town of Lunenburg’s bookselling district,…

Elizabeth’s Books, in the heart of the Town of Lunenburg’s bookselling district,…

Elizabeth’s Books, in the heart of the Town of Lunenburg’s bookselling district,…

(Photo: Jesse Ward) Emails obtained by the Lunenburg Barnacle through a Freedom…

A motivational quote I appreciate from the Greek poet Archilochus: “We don’t…

"Between not wanting to drink as much these days and needing to save money, how do I tell my friends I still want to hang out, just not at the bar? What else can we do in the area?"

(Town of Lunenburg Town Hall. Photo: Jesse Ward) The Town of Lunenburg…

For up-to-date information on who is running for election in every municipality…
For up-to-date information on who is running for election in every municipality…

If you only moved to Lunenburg within the last several years, it’s possible you may have never heard the mournful Battery Point foghorn.

(Illustration: Carmen Cumming) This October, the people of Lunenburg County – you! –…

"April is Submarine Month," says Chris.

Preparing our May cover story, our editors faced the question – “What should you call people from Bridgewater?”

I decide to see the final film to play at the Bridgewater Cineplex. When I see it will be a special 20th anniversary screening of Shrek 2, I know it would be impossible for it to be anything else.

The 24/25 draft Operating Budget is the largest in Lunenburg's history at $10,825,000. Council is expected to vote on approving the budget at their upcoming May 14 meeting.

“I still don’t feel we get enough coverage for paying $65,500 additional this year, and since ‘22 we’ve been increased by $122,924, and I do not see any additional coverage or support," said Councillor Jenni Birtles.
Chasidy Veinotte, Councillor for District 10 in the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, has announced she intends to reoffer in the October municipal election.

Mayor Jamie Myra told the Barnacle on Thursday morning, before the CAO’s apology was published, that Town Council planned to have an emergency meeting in the evening regarding this issue, but this was cancelled.
Jamie Myra, Mayor of the Town of Lunenburg, has confirmed to The Barnacle he intends to reoffer for his position in October.
To help you understand recent decisions made by voters in our communities that led to the councils we have today, The Barnacle has done the work of gathering Lunenburg County's municipal election results from the last four years in one central, convenient location for you.
Susan Sanford, Councillor in the Town of Lunenburg, has confirmed she is not reoffering for election in the October Municipal Election.
First out of the gates in Lunenburg County for the October 2024 municipal election is Ben Brooks, announcing his candidacy for District 9 in the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg.
Elspeth McLean-Wile, local businesswoman, announced her candidacy for Mayor of the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg on April 9.

The process surrounding this year’s budget is a marked departure from previous years, where the budget would be reviewed by the Committee Of The Whole before proceeding to a Council meeting.

Mayor Myra said he voted against making the land surplus because he said he would first need to see design options include off-street parking for some additional number of units, which might require more land than the land in question for the motion.

With the release of our fifteenth issue, we're introducing our first two newspaper boxes to the commercial centres of Lunenburg County – now you can find us in front of Pearl's Vintage & Thrift on King St. in Lunenburg, and Rascal's Burrito Bar on King St. in Bridgewater.

Elizabeth’s Books, in the heart of the Town of Lunenburg’s bookselling district,…

The Barnacle was on the scene for a special opening party on April 1, where the conversation was lukewarm and confused.

The Barnacle was present for the Minister of Canadian Heritage’s first visit to Lunenburg, when Pascale St-Onge met with Town of Lunenburg leadership at Town Hall on Monday.

The Town of Lunenburg announced Wednesday that Jamie Doyle, Chief Administrative Officer has tendered his resignation, effective May 10, 2024.

You can proceed with building the luxury seasonal beachfront condo you’re dreaming of without getting a red stamp from any pesky planners telling you, “No, it’s going to collapse into the ocean in ten years.”

"March is Errol Flynn month," says Chris.

Lunenburg, Vermont – population 1,246. Large old Cape Cods engulfed by rolling waves of evergreens – subject of Robert Frost’s The Mountain.

”February is Alfred Hitchcock month,” says Chris.

For the second February ever, The Barnacle is here with more hyperlocal Lunenburg County stories to keep you connected and entertained.

When Town of Lunenburg Council meets on Tuesday evening, they are expected to vote on whether to determine lands on Blockhouse Hill surplus. They will also vote on whether to proceed with drafting development rules for a 256-unit housing development on the site.

If you live in the Town of Lunenburg and have a cat, Allison Tremain wants to paint them and gift you a watercolour.

In an interview, Councillor Peter Mosher explained his motivations for removing Ed Halverson from the position of Deputy Mayor include Halverson publicly saying council “got it wrong” when they voted to rename Cornwallis Street to Queen Street in late November, and attending three consecutive council meetings remotely via Zoom instead of in person.

Seeking friendship, romance or the love of your life? Send in your 40-word ad and $10 to editor@thebarnacle.ca with the subject “Personals” by Feb. 2. Your personal will be placed in our next print issue being distributed across Lunenburg County on Feb. 8.

The Town of Lunenburg has confirmed the report that informed Town Council on their decision to rename Cornwallis Street to Queen Street in November – produced at a cost of $2,000 by a consultant – misrepresented survey results data.

We're so grateful for our volunteers, patrons and readers – you! – as we celebrate one year since our inception. Find out what we've got in store for December.

During a torrential downpour and 80 kilometre an hour winds over the final Saturday in November, about a dozen New Rossers celebrated the opening of Twig The Elf’s Chalet.

For the month of December, Chris recommends two Christmas films showcasing very different sides of the late and great Alan Rickman.

An application process by Scotia Garden Seafood Inc. to renew an existing lease for rockweed harvesting in Lunenburg County for 15 years is invalidated and must be restarted as a result of an error in their public notice, reopening a period where the public will be able to make objections to the application.

The Kingsburg Coastal Conservancy (KCC) is calling for immediate public action in response to a proposed 15-year lease for rockweed harvesting along the Lunenburg County coastline.

Lunenburg’s signs for Cornwallis Street will be taken down and replaced with Queen Street, replacing one reminder of our bloody colonial origins selected in the mid-18th century with one voted on by Town Council on Tuesday.

Hande Barutcuoglu usually hosts three pairs of guinea pigs and fosters out about six. Those numbers are almost three times higher right now, as her intake waitlist grows. The difference from last year? Our housing crisis.

Halloween is when we put on special costumes in the place of the ones we normally wear. In French, “a business suit” is “un costume d’affaires” – “a Halloween costume” is “un costume d’Halloween”.

Elizabeth’s Books, in the heart of the Town of Lunenburg’s bookselling district,…

A large crowd turned out for a rally in Bridgewater demanding a ceasefire in Gaza last week on Sunday, October 29.

"Mini was part of the community. She came to our restaurant every morning, she was part of the family."

We’re entering the season in Lunenburg County where fisherman’s sweaters are pulled…

Most of my recent dancing has been casual and uncoordinated, at DJ Mommy’s equinoctial Lunenburg Legion raves. I never considered pursuing lessons until chance led me to an opportunity to participate in South Shore Oktoberfest.

"I've got nine horror films for October," says Chris.

Every Wednesday, Lunenburg’s most knowledgeable and curious gather for Trivia with Joelle…

If our recent historic fires and flooding have you considering how you can engage with the climate crisis, mark your calendar for the South Shore Sustainability Summit.

Ex-Mayor Wolff, was the recipient at Middleton Monday of a very handsome and valuable trowel, the gift of the Board of Trade at Middleton, in recognition of the corner stone of the McDonald Consolidated School Building at that place.

“September is Michael Caine Month,” says Chris. Born Maurice Joseph Micklewhite, Sir Michael Caine has appeared in more than 160 films, including September’s top picks.

"A show so outrageous – (some might even say controversial) – we are not allowed to advertise it.” Thus read the August 26 entertainment listing at the Ovens Natural Park’s Ol’ Miner Diner.

In a conversation with Rick Perkins, Member of Parliament for South Shore—St. Margarets, he In the ensuing conversation, he shared his thoughts on the Online News Act and the role of the CBC in Canada’s digital media landscape.

“People are telling us that was the first time in 200 years that the town didn't have a little grocery store,” says co-proprietor Audra Williams.

One person voted between 4 and 4:59 a.m., and it was on the last day of voting. They may have finally formed their decision in a dream.

If the federal government wants to ensure Canadian news media outlets get paid their fair share, I will suggest some low-hanging fruit as a starting point: stop spending taxpayer money on a publicity company to produce your own news stories and distribute them to editors who could benefit from advertising dollars.

Jamie Myra spoke with The Barnacle about what he thinks it means that he won the election for Mayor of the Town of Lunenburg, and what comes next.

Check out everything the Barnacle has got for August – stories on cricket, climate, Queer Pride and more.

The Town of Lunenburg Council met on Wednesday and approved $76,000 in new spending for an RFP for designs to revamp the Town's Civic Square – maybe with underground parking and a new building – four days before a new Mayor is elected. Read our full roundup of the August 8 council meeting.

With summer comes The Knot’s trivia off-season – but fret not, fact lovers, Trivia with Joelle resumes in September. To tide you over until then, practice for the upcoming 23/24 season with these trivia questions provided by Joelle Gogol herself!

“August is Western Month,” says Chris.

More than 150 community members packed into the Lunenburg Fire Hall for a Mayoral candidates’ debate hosted by The Lunenburg Barnacle. Watch the recording and read the transcript here.

Approximately sixty people gathered in the Lunenburg Fire Hall two weeks ago and raised sparkling cider in a toast to Second Story Women’s Centre, as the organisation continues a process of rebuilding and aims to re-open by the end of summer after temporarily closing this February.

“June is Will Ferrell month,” says Chris. “He’s quite funny.”

Bridgewater Mayor David Mitchell should be applauded for directing town staff to explore allowing alcohol consumption in designated outdoor public areas, which would make Bridgewater the Paris of Nova Scotia.

Sometimes it seems like all of the fancy music streaming services out…

The Town of Lunenburg estimates results of a survey to rename Cornwallis…

Fullerton shared a release with media contacts today detailing her announcement. Her release says she will "focus on responsive leadership and effective communication for the best possible future of the Town of Lunenburg."

With Halverson out of the race, the only person who has publicly announced their intention to run for Mayor in the August Special Election is Jamie Myra.

Council is pursuing residential designs for Blockhouse Hill and Upper King Street, and accepted a petition from Friends of Blockhouse Hill signed by 679 people without discussion.

Living with free-flying birds in the home means becoming part of the flock – just ask Cheepie.

“June is Robin Williams Month,” says Chris. “I’ve been a fan ever since he was on Mork and Mindy.”

Lunenburgers will decide their next Mayor, and likely a new councillor, at the height of summer – The Town of Lunenburg is holding a Special Election on August 12, 2023.

Lunenburg's CAO emphasized the need for the Town to have a comprehensive financial plan rather than “running year-by-year, crisis-by-crisis,” in a report listing tens of millions in anticipated capital spending.

As Council gathered to approve the town’s 23/24 operational budget and a presentation by Friends of Blockhouse Hill, a majority of the audience who attended in person made their disapproval of Town’s handling of these issues outwardly apparent.

Make sure to say hello when you see this leashed, cow-patterned cat hopping along the streets of Lunenburg – Gitzo is a very friendly guy.

“This is Captain’s Month,” says Chris.

Anticipating an increase of more than $1.2 million in revenue, the Town of Lunenburg’s operating budget to be approved by council next week sees a significant increase in funding for staff salaries and $175,000 for planning on the development of Blockhouse Hill.

Matt Risser, Mayor of the Town of Lunenburg, invited The Barnacle for an interview in Lunenburg Town Hall, held on the morning of April 25.

The time might come in your life where you wonder – if I want to roleplay what another Lunenburg County life would be like, what is the best class to choose to fulfill that fantasy in Dungeons in Dragons?

An American cowboy in Australia, a nautical mutiny adapted from the author of Moby Dick, and a musical about a family in Austria all have something in common with Lunenburg.

The Town of Lunenburg says they cannot speak to why they are pursuing sale of the Lunenburg Academy building, because this decision was made during a private “in camera” meeting of Town Council.

Matt Risser is resigning as Mayor of the Town of Lunenburg, the Town of Lunenburg has announced in a release.

The Town of Lunenburg is interested in divesting the Lunenburg Academy for private development and considers this a “high priority”, according to a letter the town sent to Parks Canada in April 2022.

The Lunenburg Fire Hall was at capacity on Friday for a community meeting on the status of the counselling and support centre.

The most powerful type of romantic love you can experience is when you and your partner speak each other's love languages. This is a love so incredible it can make any inconvenience, like an interruption in your commute, totally insignificant.

Second Story Women's Centre, the only dedicated counseling and support center for women and gender-diverse people in Lunenburg County, is closed until further notice following the resignation of eight staff members in February.

Over three days, more than 385 people have joined a Facebook group organizing a citizen’s group opposing the Town of Lunenburg’s plan to seek designs for potential development on Blockhouse Hill.

The new name for Cornwallis Street in Lunenburg is to be selected at an undetermined date after Town Council agreed to take extra time to review more than 300 submissions on the matter received through public consultation.