Every Wednesday, Lunenburg’s most knowledgeable and curious gather for Trivia with Joelle Gogol at The Knot Pub, 8-10 p.m.
Drop in during these hours, and you can choose to accept a list of questions and pencil – successfully complete more questions than anyone else to win a $10 Knot gift card shared with your team, and the privilege of making it to the Leaderboard.
October 4, 2023 – Winner: Lunenburg Inn
The Knot was packed on October 4 for the first round of trivia in the 23/24 season after a hiatus over the summer, and Lunenburg Inn put the competition to sleep.
Lunenburg Inn won three times in the 22/23 season, all between May and June. They won the last round of the 22/23 season on June 28, so they are technically on a winning streak, though purists may debate this.
Tied for second on the first game of the new season were 22/23 champions Quadrophenia, with six victories since The Barnacle started tracking all trivia winners last January, and Sonar who won one game last season.
The question most teams were challenged by was, “Q: For the company Yahoo!, what does “Yahoo” stand for?”