(Ella is the queen of the house. Photo: Contributed)
NAMES: Ella, age 2; Ben, age 15
FAMILY: The Hansingers
COMMUNITY: Lunenburg
MEET THE PETS: If you’ve seen the posters around town inviting you to “Come meet the cutest cat ever!”, you’ve got Oah Hansinger, age six, to thank!
Oah got help from her mom Taylor to make sure everyone could learn about the family felines, Ella and Ben.
“Ben’s favorite activity is laying on the couch or on the bed. His favorite food is treats. Mom and dad adopted him when he was a wild cat,” says Oah.

“His butt is gross with poop because he is so chubby he can’t clean it. Ben is sometimes cranky, but he is also very kind and loves snuggling.”
Ella, in particular, belongs to Oah.
“Ella’s favorite activities are laying on Oah’s bed or playing with felt balls or her favorite hedgehog toy. Her favorite foods are catnip and treats,” says Oah. “She was born at Chicory Blue, her mom and dad were barn cats and she was born at the barn and we adopted her because they didn’t want so many cats. Surprisingly she doesn’t play with many of her cat toys but she loves felt balls, string, wool, and such things. She is the queen of our house. Ben never plays with Ella even though she wants to play because he is so old and grumpy.”
If you have a special animal friend the community should know about, email editor@thebarnacle.ca with the subject: Pet of The Month!