(Illustration: Erin Philp)
- Make and Bake. I had a tea towel hanging off the stove for years that read “Forget the Dishes.” Why was I so attached to this piece of fabric? Because my dear friend embroidered it for me. I treasured it until it fell apart. Of course, it’s tempting to head to the online retailer who shall not be named to do our holiday shopping, but isn’t it so much more special to give your time and talent to a loved one instead?
- Time Tested Traditions. What family tradition can you bring back? For us, it was pajamas and hot chocolate on Christmas Eve. Or maybe better yet, make some new traditions that feel more like you.
- ‘Tis the Season for Giving Back. Many local churches and organizations are doing amazing work helping South Shore families. Consider a donation or be a conscious consumer and shop at your favourite local stores or craft markets. This helps small businesses and the greater community.
- Love Thy Neighbour. This December, my little family and I will be handing out cookies and cards to our neighbours. You can spread holiday cheer by caroling, (let’s bring that back!) calling the aunt you haven’t spoken with in ages or helping your neighbour set up their lights. It feels good to do good.
- Presence is the Real Present. For the love of Kris Kringle, put the phone down. This might be the one time of year you have several generations in one house or maybe like me, it’s the first Christmas your child is old enough to understand Santa is coming. This only feels special if you treat it like it is so get rid of the distractions. The memories will be the gift that keeps giving.