NAME: Ellie, age 4
Owner: Lisa Partridge
COMMUNITY: Lunenburg
MEET THE PETS: This month, we’re featuring a sweet little bunny named Ellie. Just kidding! Ellie is in fact a miniature horse who lives with Lisa Partridge, on the farm nestled on top of the hill driving into the town of Lunenburg.

Ellie had quite the life before finding her home with Lisa, having been surrendered to the SPCA with some medical issues.
A loving foster family nurtured her back to health, taking her back and forth to a medical facility in the back of a Toyota Corolla.
When Ellie’s horse companions eventually crossed over the rainbow bridge, she became pretty lonely and her family reached out to Lisa to see if she could take her in.

Ellie now lives with twelve Newfoundland ponies, some quarter horses, several goats, chickens, guinea hens, cows and a sweet little turkey named Darius.
Her owner is in the process of completing certification to become an equine-assisted learning facilitator, in hopes that Ellie and her friends can work with individuals in supportive and therapeutic ways. After meeting Ellie, it is clear that she will do a fantastic job.

Ellie enjoys learning to pull carts, hanging out with her goat pals and taking drives through the Tim Horton’s drive-thru.
We may learn about her Newfoundland pony pals in an upcoming issue, so stay tuned!
If you have a special animal friend the community should know about, email with the subject: Pet of The Month!