A Friendly Invitation From Coastal Action

With recent significant environmental events happening across the province, you may be wondering  how you can do your part. 

Rest assured; you can find your perfect volunteer opportunity in Coastal Action’s volunteer program! 

Picture yourself with a pair of binoculars in hand, wind in your hair, and birdsong filling your ears. Maybe you’re paddling down a river, sampling gear nestled beside you. Or spending time beachcombing and collecting litter as you search for treasures.

We warmly invite anyone with a passion for the environment to consider becoming a volunteer. With over 40 projects spanning five teams, there are many ways to get involved! Whether you have interests in Species at Risk & Biodiversity, Coastal & Marine, Watersheds & Water Quality, Environmental Education, Climate Change, or all of the above, we have something for everyone, and we welcome participants of any age, ability, or experience level!

But who is Coastal Action, you ask? We’re an environmental non-profit organization based in the South Shore. We have been working for over 29 years to protect and restore the environment through research, education, action, and community engagement. 

One way the recent pandemic caused challenges for our organization was the need to pause recruiting for our volunteer base. Now that we are fully into our field season, we are looking to breathe new life into our volunteer program!

Becoming a volunteer allows you to contribute to local community efforts, give back to the environment, and gain incredibly rewarding experiences. Join our team and prepare to get your hands in the soil, get some sand in your boots, feel the sun on your face, and get to work! 

Our website, coastalaction.org/volunteer, holds the details for joining our volunteer mailing list with current and upcoming volunteer opportunities. It’s quick, easy, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

We can’t wait to meet you and welcome you to our team!

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