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Create naturalized beds using coarse woody debris

May 4, 2024 @ 9:30 am

“Learn how to build naturalized perennial garden beds using coarse woody debris in this FREE hands-on Learn & Work Party. Physical challenge level: medium-high More details and free registration (required) at Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/868437328427?aff=oddtdtcreator

Sponsored and led by Rosmarie Lohnes, CEO, Helping Nature Heal, Nova Scotia’s premiere ecological restoration company. Gain know-how and experience while helping the Food Forest build healthy, low-maintenance beds as we prepare to densify the forest in our second growing season. Rosmarie will share her extensive knowledge about how and why to use local organic “waste” materials including coarse woody debris when building beds for planting. This is a hands-on Learn & Work Party, in which you will learn-by-doing, working with fellow community members to raise our young little food forest! Activities will include digging, shovelling, wheelbarrowing, spreading and moving organic material. Activities are most suited to adults, teens and older children.”

Free Register at the link.
18 Tannery Road
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia Canada
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