February 4
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
FREE.UKULELE.NITE (FUN Ukulele Jam & PopUps) is celebrating 5 years of bringing ukulele music to Bridgewater with cake, balloons and music!
FEBRUARY 4th at 6pm in downtown Bridgewater.
We make space for music, education, entertainment and socializing with seniors, youth, music lovers and ukulele players in and around Lunenburg County by organizing and hosting FREE musical events. Operated by volunteers, accessible and inclusive.
FUN Ukulele Jam meets the first Tuesday of each month UPSTAIRS at King Street Beer
FUN is operated by volunteers and recent recipient of Community Health Board Wellness Funds.
Please contact me at janicerahme@live.com
Thank you,
Janice Rahme
Host of FUN Ukulele