Emily Sollows

Emily Sollows

Mobility Cup Makes Waves in Lunenburg

The Lunenburg Yacht Club (LYC) was abuzz as it hosted the Mobility Cup last month, an international sailing regatta for people with disabilities. Athletes traveled from as far as California and Hawai’i, while volunteers, local businesses, and participants came together to make the competition a memorable success.

Love Birds of the South Shore

Just like human love, bird love comes in many forms. Some birds form lifelong partnerships, others form bonds that last one or more breeding seasons, and some prefer a more casual, non-committal lifestyle. Here are some love languages of our local feathered friends.

WHAT THE PECK: A Peek into the Pileated Woodpecker

In the heart of the forest where the trees stand tall, a magnificent, mischievous creature rules the roost — the pileated woodpecker. With its vibrant plumage and distinctive "crazy laugh," pileateds have a knack for drilling holes in trees that would put any construction crew to shame.

Songbirds of the South Shore

The South Shore  is the perfect place to soak up the sweet music of summer, whether it’s catching a Folk Harbour concert in Lunenburg, or enjoying the dulcet birdsong of this marvelous season. We are blessed to have so many delightful songbirds playing their summer soundtracks in Lunenburg County. 

WHAT THE PECK: Canada Goose

There is perhaps no other bird that divides people so much as the Canada goose. We love them for their stately beauty and iconic V-shape flight patterns. We curse them for their large droppings, voracious appetites, and aggressive behaviour to perceived threats. 

WHAT THE PECK: The Wee Chickadee

Does anything say spring more than the sound of birdsong wafting through your window in the morning? Part of this symphony is likely the tweets and chirps of the black-capped chickadee, a common sight and sound year-round here in Nova Scotia.